Childrens Mental Health

Children’s Mental Health Week begins

Children’s Mental Health Week encourages communities, schools, parents and students to share knowledge on health and wellbeing for children. Mental health has increasingly become an international concern, particularly for children and adolescents. Issues such as lack of resources and support, fear and stigma have limited conversations from taking place around emotional wellbeing. As a society it is our collective responsibility to guide younger generations to be better equipped for their journey to adulthood.

Cultural Infusion’s Yoga and Mindfulness program in Victoria and New South Wales teaches students mindfulness techniques in an age-appropriate way. Ranging from pre-primary to Year 12, our program teaches skills in bettering emotional regulation, self-esteem and anxiety. Students will be fully immersed in understanding the importance of mental relaxation through traditional techniques and the history of yoga. In addition, Cultural Infusion offers a Didgeridoo Mindfulness Journey program which includes didgeridoo playing with animal sounds and interactive rhythmic playing and explores the notion that didgeridoo was discovered by 6 young Yolngu children. Designed for children of all ages, the Didgeridoo Mindfulness Journey is offered in Victoria.

Furthermore, music has proven benefits for the human brain. Studies have demonstrated that music improves perceptual, linguistic and social skills. Our online platform Sound Infusion is a means of creative expression for students to be inspired, relaxed and interested in captivating rhythms. Through relaxation and enjoyment, students also gain a deeper insight into a myriad of musical instruments and melodies from all around the globe. Contact us to enquire about Sound Infusion.

See our full list of programs here.


Contact us to make a booking today.

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