Hanukkah is the Jewish festival of lights celebrating the rededication of the Holy Bible, with the name deriving from the Hebrew word Chanukah, meaning “dedication”. This date marks the historical event in second century BCE, when a small band of Jews led by Judah the Maccabee defeated the Seleucids (Syrian-Greeks) ruling the Holy Land, and reclaimed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and thus dedicating it to God. Despite only finding one olive oil cruse uncontaminated by the Seleucids, they lit the Menorah (seven-branched candelabrum) which miraculously burned for eight days. Hence, the heart of observing Hanukkah is the burning of nine Menorah flames (one of which is the shamash meaning “attendant”) over eight nights.
To celebrate this festival, Cultural Infusion offers Folkloric to Flamenco in Queensland, which explores Jewish Sephardic songs with influences from Turkey, Greece and the Balkans.
See our full list of programs here.
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