
Japan’s National Foundation Day

Japan’s National Foundation Day is a day where the nation unites in solidarity and celebrates honour. It commemorates the establishment of this influential nation that has transformed the fields of architecture, education, engineering and more. The national holiday is an opportunity for communities to enjoy parades and festivals. Ultimately, it is a day that fosters the need for a strong community connection to promote further development and the future success of Japan.

To honour the essence of this day, we have various immersive programs available that celebrate authentic Japanese culture:

Japanese Calligraphy (VIC)
Japanese Ink Painting (VIC)
Taiko Drumming (VIC, NSW, QLD)

In addition, our Japanese Infusion program (NSW) introduces students of all ages to Japanese culture through a mixture of song and dance, storytelling and art.

See our full list of programs here.


Contact us to make a booking today.

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