An art form that emerged from enslaved Africans in Brazil, disguising their fight into a dance, Capoeira has evolved to become one of the most fascinating combination of dance and martial arts movements in the world. An endangered art form, Cool Capoeira introduces the history and evolution to its special protected status as intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO. You will be able to learn and experience rhythmic acrobatic manoeuvres accompanied by the beautiful sound of the Berimbau, an African instrument – the heartbeat of this dynamic performance. Capoeira is for all, whether you are more of an acrobat, a musician, a singer, a dancer or a martial artist, some aspect of Cool Capoeira will speak to you. As a famous Capoeira master, Mestre Canjiquinha, always said “Capoeira does not have creed, does not have colour, does not have flag, it is from the people, it will run through the world”.
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Up to 300