Taiko Drumming, a traditional and original Japanese music program combines amazing performances and interactive workshops. Students are introduced to Japanese culture through music and language before the room shakes with the sound of the Taiko Drumming!
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Tailored to: Pre-Primary, Schools, Community
Available in: VIC, QLD, WA
Genre: Music
Region: Asia
Standard Pricing
Please note, prices may vary depending on the type and scope of the program/s chosen.Program type
Price (exc GST)
No of Participants
30 min
From $495
Up to 40
Single Session
50 min
From $7
(per participant)
Up to 150
Multicultural Half-Day
(up to 3 programs)
Half Day
(per participant)
From 200
Multicultural All-Day
(up to 5 programs)
Full Day
(per participant)
From 300
Specialist All-Day
Full Day
From $20
(per participant)
From 150
Community + More
Enquire for a quote
We enjoyed the involvement of the students in the performance, the enthusiasm of the presenter and range of instruments.
- Wedge Park Primary School