Presented by Tom and Sofari, the Wayang Kulit, is a puppetry performance using traditional hand-carved shadow puppets from Java, Indonesia! The Indonesian words wayang (shadow or ghost) and kulit (leather or skin) define the two-dimensional Puppets that are flat, translucent figures cut out from leather and projected against a screen. The mystical manipulation between the light and screen creates a ‘living’ silhouette, and theatrical storytelling brings to life the ancestral spirits which are said to dwell within the puppets. The Climactic scenes in Wayang Kulit with Sofari and Tom are based on Hindu epics such as the Ramayama cycle. Find out about Indonesian characters and community through this compelling and ghostly medium.
Standard Pricing
Please note, prices may vary depending on the type and scope of the program/s chosen.Up to 200
Up to 300