May Celebrations: Diversity, Education, and Awareness – this picture is of a series of paper side profile cut outs of heads in a range of skin tones, with a paper Earth in the middle.

May Celebrations: Cultural Diversity, Education, and Awareness

In our cultural calendar, the month is filled with various May celebrations from all around the world, such as World Belly Dance Day and Africa Day. The month even ends with National Reconciliation Week, to commemorate the history and culture of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia.  May is known as the month of transition, where in the Northern Hemisphere, the fresh cold winds disappear, bringing along the blooming of flowers and chirping of birds. In Australia however, May is the final month of Autumn, transitioning into the beginning of Winter. But don’t worry – the weather is still mild, and it is an amazing time for sightseeing if you aren’t up for the sweltering heat!  Children’s Day Japan   5th May  The first celebration in our calendar to start of the exciting May is Children’s Day in Japan. This day, also known as Kodomo no hi, is a national holiday in Japan with its origins filled with rich history. It is a holiday to respect children’s personalities and to celebrate their happiness. On this day, koinobori, a carp-shaped windsock, are typically flown on poles outside of public buildings and houses to symbolise their desire for children to become brave and strong individuals. Within their homes, families also display miniature Japanese armour and kabuto called Gogatsu Ningyo (May doll), as they represent courage and strength.  Our Japanese Infusion program brings Japanese culture to life, using songs, games and storytelling to teach children about Japanese culture, traditions, seasons and celebrations. This program is available face-to-face in New South Wales and online in all other states. Our Japanese Calligraphy and Japanese Ink Painting programs teach students different types of brush techniques and touch on Japanese history and origins. These programs are available in Victoria, guided by award-winning artist Junko.   We also offer Taiko Drumming programs in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. This traditional and original Japanese music program combines amazing performances and interactive workshops to introduce Japanese culture through music and language.  Cinco de Mayo   5th May  Cinco de Mayo is a holiday celebrated in parts of Mexico and the United States to commemorate the triumph over the French empire in 1862. The day is primarily celebrated in the state of Puebla, as the victory of Puebla became a symbol of Mexican resistance to foreign domination, with military parades, speeches and reenactments of the battle.  Nowadays, celebrations include parades, parties, Mariachi music, Mexican folk dancing and traditional dishes such as tacos and mole poblano. In the United States, Los Angeles, Chicago and Houston are places that host some of the largest festivals.  Available in New South Wales, our Viva Mexico program explores the wonder of traditional Mexican and Spanish music. Students will learn folk dances and the basics of Spanish language through popular song lyrics. Not only that, but they’ll also get the opportunity to see performances with some Mariachi instruments up close while learning the cultural history of these instruments.   Latin American Dance (available in Victoria, New South Wales, Australia Capital Territory and South Australia) and Latino Grooves (available in South Australia) are another two programs that explore these music traditions, this time in the form of dance! These educational programs introduce students to Latin dance styles like Salsa, Bachata and Tango, and provide insightful cultural history of the dances in Latin America.   World Belly Dance Day 11th May  Celebrated on the second Saturday of May every year, World Belly Dance Day was created to acknowledge the ancient art of belly dance and to dispel common misconceptions surrounding it. The Middle Eastern dance is characterised by intricate movements of the torso, hips and arms, often accompanied by vibrant music and elaborate costumes.  Belly dancing is a welcoming and inclusive art form that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, body types and fitness levels.   Whether you’re interested in exploring a new cultural tradition, getting a workout or simply having fun, our Middle Eastern Belly Dance program offers something for everyone. Through this program available in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia, students get to explore Arabic cultures through stories and movement while also learning the meaning behind each move.  World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue & Development   21st May  Sometimes abbreviated as World Day for Cultural Diversity, this day serves as an opportunity to promote the importance of cultural diversity and harmony in societies around the world. On this day, various events and activities are organised worldwide to raise awareness about the importance of cultural diversity and encourage dialogue and cooperation among different cultures. This is to emphasise the need to recognise and celebrate the richness of cultural heritage and creativity, while also promoting equal opportunities for individuals of all cultural backgrounds.   Our Multicultural Day program, available as both an All-Day and Half Day experience Australia-wide, is a perfect way for participants to immerse themselves in Australia’s rich diversity of ethnic communities. With a choice of three or five cultural presentations, participants can explore specific cultures or languages in-depth or travel the world with a range of assorted programs. To complement this experience, we also offer free educational resources and lesson plans to help navigate students through their comprehension of intercultural understanding.  International Day for Biological Diversity   22nd May International Day for Biological Diversity is commemorated annually to raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity and its conservation. It highlights the rich variety of life on Earth, including plants, animals and microorganisms, and emphasises the vital role biodiversity plays in sustaining ecosystems, providing ecosystem services, and supporting human well-being. The day aims to promote efforts to protect and conserve biodiversity, address the threats it faces such as habitat loss, climate change, pollution and overexploitation of resources, and encourage sustainable practices that promote biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.   Hero Ladybirds Galapagos Islands is a scientific educational program we have, to help teach children basic ecology through quirky stories from firsthand experience and the help of cute hand puppets. This interactive educational program is presented by ecologist Carolina and is available in Victoria.   Africa Day   25th May  Africa Day is celebrated annually to promote unity and solidarity among African nations and advocating for the decolonisation of Africa. Africa Day serves as a reminder of the continent’s rich history, cultural diversity and ongoing struggle for independence, unity and development. It provides an opportunity for African people worldwide to celebrate their heritage, achievements and contributions to the world, while also reflecting on the challenges and opportunities facing the continent today. Cultural festivals, conferences, seminars and discussions on topics related to African unity and development are held on this day.   In our Rhythms and Instruments of West Africa program, we showcase the musical cultures of West Africa through rhythms and songs from Ghana, Guinea and Senegal by introducing students to a wide range of African traditional instruments. Available in Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia, this fun and interactive program will give students the opportunity to play the drums and other percussion instruments firsthand!   Songs of Uganda and Mbira of Zimbabwe are interactive educational programs that center on the traditional instruments of Africa as well. Each unique to two different parts of Africa, students from Queensland and Western Australia respectively will learn the rich history of these African cultures while accompanying the presenters with instruments and by singing some traditional tunes.   Ethiopian Dance and Culture in Victoria explores the diversity of Ethiopian culture through songs, dance moves and stories. This highly interactive program presented by Seble teaches students the cultural significance behind the dance and music, while also sharing her experience travelling around the world with the Ethiopian Circus.  Dates to Commemorate:  National Sorry Day   26th May  National Sorry Day is a time for reflection and acknowledgment of the injustices inflicted upon Indigenous Australians. Stemming from the legacy of the Stolen Generations, where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children were forcibly removed from their families, this day serves as a solemn reminder of past wrongs.  It’s a moment for all Australians to express remorse for these actions and to commit to reconciliation efforts. While National Sorry Day may be brief, its impact is profound, reminding us of the ongoing journey towards healing and unity in our nation.  As we observe National Sorry Day, let’s take the time to listen to the stories and experiences of the Stolen Generations survivors and their descendants in our Aboriginal Culture For A Day (available in Victoria) and Aboriginal Infusion (available in Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales) educational programs. Let’s acknowledge the resilience and strength of Indigenous cultures and discover its beauty through dance, symbolic art, didgeridoo and a wide range of other engaging activities.   National Reconciliation Week   28th May to 3rd June  National Reconciliation Week (NRW) in Australia commemorates the history and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia. It is a time to reflect on our nation’s history, acknowledge the injustices and trauma experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples while celebrating their resilience and cultural richness. NRW empowers individuals and communities to address past wrongs with courage and compassion, paving the way for a more inclusive and reconciled Australia where all voices are heard and valued.  Aboriginal Storytelling Through Art in Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales is a hands-on educational workshop where students will learn symbolic art from Aboriginal culture. This unique experience will give students the opportunity to create and share their own stories, perfect for intercultural experience at any age! Aboriginal Storytelling and Artefacts in New South Wales, Australia Capital Territory and Western Australia on the other hand, combines storytelling with an introduction to the history of Aboriginal tools and artefacts. Students will get to immerse themselves in Aboriginal culture throughout this program by acting out stories and engaging with cultural artefacts.  Book your May celebrations now!  Explore our cultural programs available Australia-wide HERE to celebrate and commemorate important dates for the month of May.  Next month, we will join you again to introduce you to the cultural dates to celebrate in June! 

14 April Dates to Celebrate - this is photo of a calendar open to the month of April.

14 April Dates to Celebrate

April is a month filled with vibrant celebrations from around the world, marking the new beginnings and cultural heritage. We kick off the month with the Assyrian New Year, known as Kha b-Nisan, a joyous occasion signifying the arrival of spring. This ancient tradition, steeped in history, brings communities together for hours of festivities, including parades and parties, as they welcome the season of growth and renewal.  In  our cultural calendar, we also celebrate Chinese Language Day, Spanish Language Day and round out the month with International Dance Day and International Jazz Day. We hope you enjoy travelling the world with our April dates to celebrate.  1. Kha b-Nisan (Assyrian New Year)  1st April Sheeta khadta hoya brekhta (Happy New Year in Assyrian). Kha b-Nisan or Akitu, the Assyrian New Year, celebrates the beginning of spring amongst Indigenous Assyrians and is one of the oldest traditions in the world. With celebrations including parades and parties, communities come together in harmony and practise traditions that have been maintained for centuries. The auspicious occasion comes with traditional dress development and positivity for the new year to come.   Our Assyrian-Iraqi Band program provides an insight into the fascinating 7000-year history of Assyrian peoples in Iraq. Students will be immersed in music spoken in the native Assyrian Aramic language, providing valuable cultural knowledge.   2. Fan Dance Day 3rd April Originating in South Korea, Fan Dance Day celebrates the long history of the traditional fan dance across Southeast Asia including in Japan and China; each with their own unique characteristics. With brightly coloured kimonos and fans, it acknowledges the important art form that has been around for centuries and represents beauty delicacy and grace. Performances are accompanied by live traditional music and are enjoyed by people from all around the world.   Our  Chinese Fan Dance  offers a remarkable opportunity for children to immerse themselves in a delicate and beautiful dance form. With eye-catching and vibrant fans, students can experience the elegance and grace of the traditional fan dance. Available in New South Wales and Victoria, this program ensures a one-of-a-kind learning journey that honours the richness of Southeast Asian culture.  3. Children’s Day 4th April Celebrated on April 4th in Hong Kong and Taiwan, Children’s Day is a joyous occasion filled with laughter and delight. It is a day dedicated to honouring the innocence and happiness that children bring to our families and communities. With festivities including gifts, treats, and games, children come together with friends and loved ones to make cherished memories.  Moreover, Children’s Day serves as a reminder of every child’s fundamental right to education. With their boundless creativity and intelligence, children possess incredible potential from an early age.  To challenge and push the minds of students, our martial art programs are a wonderful way for students to learn the complexities of these sports. Our Cool Capoeira program combines acrobatics with traditional musical beats creating an engaging and immersive experience for students. Available in Western Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland, this program teaches discipline, dedication, and persistence.   4. International Day of Conscience 5th April Established by the United Nations General Assembly, the International Day of Conscience promotes peaceful relations and recognition of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all irrespective of race, ethnicity, gender, language, or religion. To have conscience is to be sincerely aware of one’s intentions and be always conscious of morality. Encouraging social interaction with people from diverse cultures, faiths and beliefs is essential to live in harmony with others. Being in a state of peace is not merely the absence of conflict but the active engagement and enjoyment of diverse communities. The International Day of Conscience aims to educate our younger generations on the importance of supporting and advocating for the rights of all.   Our diversity analytics tool-  Diversity Atlas, is a comprehensive platform that assesses the demographic diversity within an organisation. With the awareness of incredible intersectionalities that exist in our world, our tool assesses the identities an organisation consists of, to create better representation in all industries. By discovering linguistic, cultural, gender differences, an organisation can then use such information to move forward in building a space which actively recognises, promotes, and advocates for differences in the workplace.   5. International Day of Sport for Development and Peace 6th April International Day of Sport for Development and Peace recognises the importance of physical and emotional wellbeing. It acknowledges the incredible contribution that sport has made for individuals all around the world, particularly during COVID-19. Sports played a crucial role in providing solace and support to individuals worldwide during these challenging times, offering an outlet for stress and anxiety while promoting fairness, equality, and inclusion through teamwork and friendly competition.  At Cultural Infusion, we offer highly interactive programs designed to promote spiritual, physical, and emotional balance. Our Chinese Martial Arts Workshop available in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, and Victoria, teaches the philosophy behind martial arts and the range of training methods that are used. Students will develop important skills such as dedication and perseverance through learning various techniques.   6. Eid al-Fitr 9th April Eid al-Fitr, the “Festival of Breaking the Fast,” holds profound significance in the Islamic faith as it marks the culmination of Ramadan, the holiest month in Islam. Ramadan, one of the five pillars of Islam, represents the period when the Quran was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad. During this sacred month, Muslims observe rigorous fasting from sunrise to sunset, abstaining from food and water as a means of spiritual purification and discipline.   While fasting may seem challenging, Muslims eagerly anticipate Ramadan as an opportunity for self-reflection and growth. Beyond its physical aspects, Ramadan serves as a time for individuals to cleanse their hearts and minds, striving to cultivate virtues such as patience, generosity, and integrity. Through connecting with Allah (God), Muslims end the month with an optimistic and content feeling and carry forward by implementing such favourable habits for the rest of the year.    Eid al-Fitr also known as the “Festival of Breaking the Fast” commemorates this effort with a morning prayer which is then followed by communal gatherings with friends and family. Altruism is demonstrated through Zakat al-Fitr which is a mandatory charity collected before the morning prayer and is given to the poor and needy to ensure all can partake in the celebrations.    7. Songrkan (Thai New Year)  13th to 15th April Sawad dee ppee mai! (Happy New Year in Thai)  Celebrate Songkran, known as the Thai New Year, which is an auspicious occasion on the Buddhist calendar that signifies the sun’s passage into the Aries constellation and the start of a new year in Thailand.  Starting in mid-April at the end of the rice harvest, Songkran is a special time for people to reunite with their families and pay respect to older adults, ancestors, and sacred Buddha images. The act of pouring water is a core part of the festival which symbolises cleansing, reverence, and good fortune. This includes bathing Buddha images and splashing water on friends and family.   Today, Songkran has evolved into one of the most popular cultural festivals in the world and has even been promoted in tourism as the “world’s biggest water fight” where both locals and tourists can enjoy Thai music, games, and a lot of food!   A range of instruments from around the world can be explored on our award-winning platform Sound Infusion including the Thai instruments, Khim and Pi Java.   Songkran is one of the most significant periods of the Thai calendar, and embodies the spirit of community, cooperation, and forgiveness, making it one of the most cherished and significant periods in the Thai calendar.  8. World Art Day 15th April World Art Day promotes the creativity, curiosity, and cultural diversity of fine arts. It celebrates the creative means in which humanity has expressed themselves. Through sharing history, experiences and stories, World Art Day acknowledges how art has transformed the world.   Cultural Infusion promotes the world of art through our vast range of programs that explore culture, art, storytelling, history, and language. Our immersive and engaging programs cater to students of all ages, from pre-primary to Year 12, fostering a deep appreciation for artistic expression and cultural heritage.  Aboriginal Storytelling through Art is an incredibly interactive program that engages students to the world of Indigenous art. This program is available face to face in Victoria and New South Wales, and virtual delivery for all states.   9. Zimbabwe’s National Day 18th April Zimbabwe’s National Day of Independence symbolises a day of freedom, unity, and strength. Overcoming a difficult journey to independence, the day represents happiness and pride for Zimbabweans. Nestled in Southern Africa, Zimbabwe boasts a vibrant culture and breathtaking landscapes, including the awe-inspiring Victoria Falls, showcasing the natural wonders of the world.  With music playing a crucial role in Zimbabwean culture, Cultural Infusion offers an engaging program in Western Australia that discovers the beauty of the instrument Mbira. The Mbira of Zimbabwe uses music, language and singing to explore the traditional instrument. Having been used for more than a thousand years, George introduces its origins and history. With traditional songs in the Shona language, students participate in an immersive experience to learn about Zimbabwean culture.   10. Chinese Language Day 20th April Chinese Language Day celebrates the richness and diversity of the Chinese language, recognised as one of the United Nations’ six official languages. With over 1.3 billion speakers worldwide, the United Nations’ Chinese Language Day recognises and acknowledges the importance of the Chinese language. Since 1946, Chinese language day has celebrated the linguistic diversity of the language. The Chinese language is a comprehensive system that has multiple characters, with each character having its own complex component. With multiple dialects, further sub-dialects and regional variations, Chinese is an incredibly diverse language.  11. World Creativity and Innovation Day 21st April World Creativity and Innovation Day shines a spotlight on the indispensable role of the creative arts industry in driving sustainable development worldwide. This day brings awareness to the importance and need for artistic expression. Creativity leads to the emergence of new possibilities and solutions and without innovative ideas, the world cannot develop and progress as it needs to. Therefore, creativity is vital for the advancement of the UN’s sustainable development goals. The arts industry has allowed for the cultivation and development of many communities by presenting the diverse artistic fields of theatre, fashion, design, and dance from all around the world.  Sharing the beautiful artistic design of traditional Indonesian attire, our Bali in Motion program has vibrant and colourful costumes and dresses that highlight the tremendous artistic industry found in Bali. Available in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, and Western Australia, students can immerse themselves in Balinese cultural traditions with a combination of dance and music.   12. Spanish Language Day 23rd April Spanish Language Day celebrates and acknowledges the wonder, evolution, and linguistic diversity of the Spanish language. Being the 4th most spoken language in the world and one of six official languages of the United Nations, Spanish has more than 500 million speakers all around the world.   Nations come together in solidarity including Argentina, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Spain and more. Not only is language merely a means of communication but through it, we discover ideas, experiences, and beauty of other cultures.   In celebration of the rich Spanish culture our Fire of Flamenco program available in Victoria, South Australia, and Queensland is a beautiful, vibrant, interactive workshop that shares the wonders of the traditional dance. Students will discover the expressive art form and the complexity involved in the traditional artform.   13. International Dance Day 29th April International Dance Day celebrates the significance and importance of dance as an art from. Founded by the international theatre institute along with its main partner of the performing arts being UNESCO, International Dance Day recognises the value of dance to societies as it symbolises a means of artistic expression. With its value often being undermined, this day creates an awareness of the world of choreography and dance and encourages a global celebration of the fine arts. Through captivating performances, the artistic diversity of the world is enjoyed with performances representing a great deal of cultures.   Cultural Infusion has a vast range of programs that share the joy of East Asian, Southeast Asian, European dance and more!   Our Multicultural Moves program available in Victoria, takes students on a journey across the world. From Jamaican Dance Hall to Hip Hop, children are sure to be immersed and engaged in a highly interactive workshop.   14. International Jazz Day 30th April Uniting teachers, musicians and communities, International Jazz Day shares the wonders of jazz music!   Originating from African American communities, jazz music has played a significant role in the expression of human experience. International Jazz Day provides insight into the evolution, history, and practice of jazz music around the world. Through upbeat melodies, a greater intercultural understanding is gained as International Jazz Day reinforces peace, cultural acceptance, harmony, respect, and tolerance for all.   And that is a wrap on our April dates to celebrate! We hope you find the time to enjoy one or many of the cultural celebrations above.  To book or learn more about our cultural programs please click here or alternatively call us on 03 9412 6666.   Next month, we will look at May’s top cultural dates, including Cinco de Mayo, World Belly Dance Day, and National Reconciliation Week in Australia. 

Symbolic Art Workshop - Professional development

Cultural Infusion’s Comprehensive Professional Development and Resource

In today’s interconnected world, education goes beyond textbooks and classrooms. It’s about nurturing an inclusive and culturally responsive learning environment that prepares students for the diverse global landscape they will encounter. Here at Cultural Infusion, we offer a comprehensive range of curriculum-aligned programs and resources for educators, both virtual and in-person formats nationwide. Live Professional Development Programs We offer a range of interactive live sessions related to intercultural education, led by experienced facilitators and experts. Our sessions are crafted to equip teachers with the tools and insights needed to create culturally sensitive, inclusive and enriching learning environments. Embedding Aboriginal Perspectives in the Classroom: Designed to support teachers in addressing the Intercultural Capability component of the Australian Curriculum, this live session will provide teachers and educators with the necessary tools to create inclusive and culturally responsive learning environments for students. With its interactive format, including lecture slides, activities, practical resources and engaging discussion, teachers will gain invaluable skills and knowledge to prepare students for our increasingly interconnected world. Intercultural Competency in the Classroom: Aligned with the Cross Curriculum priority in the Australian Curriculum of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures, this session will support teachers in respectfully and appropriately teaching this area of study. Co-facilitated by a First Nations presenter, the session will foster a safe and inclusive environment built on mutual respect and intercultural understanding. By engaging in the stories, knowledge, histories and experiences of First Nations peoples, and learning from one another, participants will learn the importance of positive reconciliation. The key objective of the session is to inspire reflection and critical thinking and provide important perspectives to honour First Nations voices in the classroom. Introducing DEI in Education: This live session will provide an introduction to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), and apply its principles, practices and challenges to educational settings. The facilitator will provide teachers with new ideas and perspectives to ensure students feel represented, valued and included in the classroom. This will take an interactive format including lecture slides, activities, practical resources and engaging discussion. By fostering a safe and open environment for students, they will develop their critical and creative thinking and be empowered to reach their full potential. To recieve a personalised quote for any of the above sessions, submit an enquiry via the Education and Experiences website. Complementary Resources Educators receive access to complementary resources with every booking of our cultural education programs. These can include: Lesson Plans and Teacher Resource Notes: Equipping educators with expertly crafted plans to integrate cultural awareness and understanding seamlessly into the classroom. Student Learning Resources: Engaging materials that help students embrace and explore the world’s diverse cultures. Intercultural Understanding Guides: Comprehensive guides that assist educators in navigating the complexities of diversity, whilst fostering open and respectful dialogues within the classroom. Digital Resources: Exploring the World Virtually Cultural Infusion extends its impact beyond conventional resources with innovative digital platforms, designed to spark curiosity and exploration in an age-appropriate way Joko’s World: Catering to pre-school-aged children, this interactive game introduces children to the world’s musical instruments and cultural festivities through the captivating journey of Joko the Nightingale. Mungo Explorer: Delving into science, geology, and archaeology, this platform unravels the ancient story behind the world’s oldest ritual burials, enriching students’ understanding of our shared human history. Sound Infusion: An online platform that encourages inquiry-based learning by enabling students to craft musical arrangements using instrument samples sourced from all over the world! This term, my students have enjoyed their experiences with Sound Infusion. Using the student onboarding PDF provided, they logged on without difficultly. They enjoyed looking at instruments from different countries and learning about them, and accessing the arranging studio, hearing files to add into their own songs. It was great to have a close relationship with the creator of the program, which allowed us to easily troubleshoot any issues as new users. Tia – Kirwan State High School Free Webinars throughout the School Year Our easily accesible and informative pre-recorded webinars cover a number of topics including: Introduction to Intercultural Understanding and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Discover strategies to foster a harmonious classroom environment where diverse voices are celebrated and respected. Cultural Celebrations in the Classroom: Explore ways to integrate cultural celebrations and acknowledgements into the curriculum, encouraging appreciation and understanding of various traditions and teachings. Classroom Activities to Embrace Diversity: Tailored for pre-primary, primary and secondary school-level students, the activities in this program nurture curiosity and understanding, promoting inclusivity within an education setting. This was such a beneficial webinar and made me think about what I do and how I do it. Thank you. I had a very long day but it was totally worth my time to participate in your interactive and highly motivating webinar. Stacey, Wingham High School Register Your Interest The Education and Experiences Team is always eager to help. Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected], or you can give us a call at 1800 010 069.