January celebrations

January: A Guide to Celebrating Cultural Dates

As the year comes to a close and the new year begins, January and is full of important days that celebrate various aspects of culture, religion, and history. Featuring dates from Cultural Infusion’s expertly designed Cultural Calendar, we take a look at some of January’s culturally and globally significant dates; focusing on new beginnings, health and wellbeing, and education. Some notable January days that have global relevance include World Braille Day, and International Day of Education. These days foster discourse about important topics, honour achievements, and commemorate the history of countries across the world. The first month of the year marks a period of exploration and new beginnings, filled with possibilities and opportunities. Recognised as International Creativity Month and Self-Love Month, it encourages individuals to explore new hobbies, interests, skills, and passions. In the spirit of exploration, our Multicultural All-Day or Half-Day program offers a unique opportunity to celebrate diversity and multiculturalism through a wide variety of engaging and interactive experiences. Participants actively take part in a range of activities and artistic expressions, exploring themes such as language, culture, and history, showcasing a diverse array of cultural programs that contribute to a rich and enlightening experience. Each month of the year has days that hold special significance, making them worth remembering and celebrating. Here, we have shared the details about some commonly celebrated dates in January. Feast of St Basil 1st January St Basil the Great was a leader and a saint of the Orthodox Christian Church, who lived in Cappadocia and served the community with generosity and compassion. He is remembered on the Feast of St Basil, when people bake a special cake called Vasilopita, which has a coin hidden inside. This tradition comes from the bishop’s practice of giving money to the poor. On this day, people also visit their friends and relatives, and celebrate their culture and history together. Our founder and CEO Peter Mousaferiadis is proud of his Greek Orthodox background and heritage. He has received recognition from the Greek community for his work and achievements. He shares the same vision as St Basil the Great, which is to promote intercultural harmony around the world. Cultural Infusion is inspired by the diversity and uniqueness of each human being, and aims to create a better understanding of our society. International Mind-Body Wellness Day 3rd January January 3rd is celebrated as International Mind-Body Wellness Day and is an opportunity to celebrate how a healthy mind means a healthy body as the connection between them plays an integral role in our overall health and well-being. This day highlights the ways that we can elevate our mind-body wellness and promote physical and mental health. Everything from mindfulness, meditation, and spirituality, is encouraged! Our Yoga and Mindfulness program, available in New South Wales, Victoria, and Western Australia, helps students recalibrate for the new school year. Incorporating breath work, flexibility, and strength exercises, the program promotes mental and physical well-being. Students learn flowing yoga postures, classical hand gestures, meditation and breath techniques. Didgeridoo Mindfulness Journey is another fantastic program in Victoria this is a perfect way to re-calibrate the mind and body. Through this engaging program, participants delve into three stories depicting children’s global discovery of the didgeridoo. The session concludes with a didgeridoo meditation, providing a holistic experience for all involved. World Braille Day 4th January World Braille Day, on January 4th, celebrates Louis Braille’s birthday, the inventor of the Braille system empowering millions with visual impairments. This tactile writing system fosters accessibility, education, and social inclusion, highlighting the importance of equal opportunities. The day honours Louis Braille’s enduring legacy, enriching countless lives globally.  Australia celebrates January as National Braille Literacy Month. World Hindi Day 10th January Also known as Vishwa Hindi Diwas, World Hindi Day is celebrated on January 10th each year to promote and honour the Hindi language as one of the most widely spoken languages globally. This day marks the anniversary of the first World Hindi Conference held in 1975. Hindi plays a crucial role in fostering cultural understanding and connecting people from diverse linguistic backgrounds. Our Bollywood Infusion program (available Australia-wide) and Classical Indian Dance program (available in Victoria, New South Wales, and South Australia), provide a vibrant cultural experience to engage students in the joy of movement, rhythm, and diversity. These are excellent programs to celebrate World Hindi Day, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of Indian artforms, traditions and culture. International Kite Day 14th January International Kite Day is a global celebration of the joy and art of flying kites. The day symbolises freedom and joy, turning the sky into a canvas adorned with creative designs in a range of colours. It’s a day of shared experiences and community, celebrating the beauty of flight and the simple pleasure of seeing kites dance in the wind. Our Chinese Kite Making workshop in Victoria offers students a hands-on cultural experience, crafting traditional Chinese kites and learning the cultural significance of the traditional art of Chinese Kite Making, perfect for International Kite Day. World Religion Day 15th January World Religion Day is a global event that recognises the significant role religion plays in fostering connections among humanity. Rooted in Baha’i principles, the day advocates for universal equality and promotes a deeper interfaith understanding, strengthening bonds across all communities. Over time, World Religion Day has evolved beyond exclusive celebrations by Baha’i followers, embracing interfaith dialogue that welcomes and shares perspectives from various faiths. Our CEO, Peter Mousaferiadis, has been a dedicated member of the United Religions Initiative (URI), actively involved in promoting interfaith dialogue and conflict resolution. The URI’s continuous initiatives have brought together esteemed individuals from across the globe to engage in discussions on peace-building and conflict transformation at both local and global scales. At Cultural Infusion, we firmly believe that fostering intercultural understanding and solidarity is a crucial step towards creating a more harmonious world. National Handwriting Day 23rd January National Handwriting Day, celebrated on January 23rd, encourages the appreciation of the art of handwriting. Commemorating the birthday of John Hancock, known for his distinctive signature on the Declaration of Independence, the day emphasises the personal touch of handwritten communication and has since been celebrated internationally. In a digital age, it reminds us of the uniqueness and cognitive benefits of handwriting, encouraging people to take a moment engage in the act of penmanship. Our Japanese Calligraphy (Shodo) program provides an opportunity for students to develop their writing skills and appreciate the beauty of Japanese characters. Available in Victoria for both schools and early childhood, students of all ages will get to explore the traditional art of Japanese calligraphy. Similarly, primary and secondary school students in New South Wales can practice their Chinese calligraphy in our Chinese Calligraphy and Brush Ink Painting program, engaging in a meaningful and culturally enriching practice. International Day of Education 24th January The International Day of Education, highlights the crucial role of education in promoting peace, development, and human rights globally. Established by the United Nations, the day emphasises the importance of inclusive and equitable learning opportunities for all. The International Day of Education is a call to collaborate and address global education challenges and reaffirms the belief that education is a fundamental human right, essential for building a sustainable and just future. Cultural Infusion provides a variety of educational programs dedicated to fostering creativity. In addition to our diverse range of in-person and virtual programs, we offer a comprehensive musical digital platform, Sound Infusion which is designed for students to discover the richness of global music. Sound Infusion, guides students on a global auditory exploration with music samples from various regions, including Latin America and South East Asia. We emphasise transformative education, encouraging students to perceive the social world through a creative and ethical lens. Australia Day / Invasion Day 26th January Known by many people as Australia Day, January 26 is the anniversary of Captain Arthur Phillip’s landing in Sydney Cove in 1788. Representing pride, patriotism, and achievement, Australia Day is a day of celebration and festivities for some. However, for First Nations Peoples, it’s known as Invasion Day. A day of trauma, Invasion Day marks the impact of dispossession, loss of culture, and the profound consequences of British colonisation and the Stolen Generation on their communities. While it’s important to acknowledge Australia’s national achievements and celebrate national pride, it’s equally vital to empathise with and comprehend the ongoing postcolonial trauma experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, along with the negative associations linked to this day. As a nation, it’s important to strive for greater harmony, necessitating reflection and amplifying the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Cultural Infusion places significance on personal reflection on January 26 and every day of the year, advocating for enhanced intercultural understanding and confronting previously held beliefs of national pride and heritage. We believe First Nations perspectives need to be heard and valued. Our Aboriginal programs at Cultural Infusion are available in many states across Australia, and are open learning environments for promoting interculturalism and connection between modern and traditional Australia. Aboriginal Infusion is a perfect interactive and engaging introduction to the rich, continuing traditions and cultural aspects of Australia’s first people. Available in Queensland and Victoria, this program features dance and Didgeridoo. Aboriginal Storytelling and Artefacts combines storytelling, artefacts and interactive activities, to introduce students to the history of Aboriginal tools, creating an engaging session for your students in New South Wales, Western Australia and Australian Capital Territory. International Environmental Education Day 26th January International Environmental Education Day, observed on January 26th, promotes environmental awareness and the pivotal role of education in sustainable development. This day encourages learning about environmental challenges, conservation, and sustainable practices, aiming to inspire positive actions for the planet. It serves as a reminder that informed individuals are crucial for building a more environmentally conscious global community. Our Caring for Country program in Queensland provides students with the opportunity to connect with the environment and foster an understanding of Indigenous sustainability practices. Through engaging activities and educational content, students develop an appreciation for nature and gain valuable insights into the importance of environmental conservation. Book your January celebrations now! Explore our cultural programs available Australia-wide to celebrate important dates for the beginning of the new year! We will join you again next month to bring you cultural dates to celebrate in February.

celebrate in February

8 Dates to Celebrate in February

Exploring notable dates to Celebrate in February guides us through a variety of international events and awareness days that enhance our cultural calendar. Among these, the Lunar New Year stands out with its festive atmosphere and vibrant fireworks, especially cherished by the Chinese, Malaysian, Korean, and Vietnamese communities across Australia. We also delve into Interfaith Harmony Week, Children’s Mental Health Week, and the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Celebrate in February: Lunar New Year 10th February Lunar New Year marks the beginning of February with its valued traditions and family gatherings. Celebrated predominantly in East Asia, this event holds historical significance as a time for families to come together, adorned with traditional decorations and exchanging red envelopes symbolizing prosperity. Festivities include dragon dances and fireworks, representing a time of familial unity and cultural heritage. To share the essence of Lunar New Year in Australia, Cultural Infusion organises lively Lion Dances in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, and Western Australia. Through engaging programs like Little Lion Dance and Chinese Lion Dance, children experience the symbolism and customs of East Asian culture first hand. World Interfaith Harmony Week 1st to 7th February Originating in 2010, World Interfaith Harmony Week blossoms annually into a celebration of unity amidst diverse religious and ethnic communities, particularly in the Middle East. Endorsed by the United Nations, this week champions dialogue and solidarity between Muslim and Christian communities, fostering mutual understanding through shared values and peaceful discourse. In the spirit of cultural exchange, our Middle Eastern Belly Dance program invites students across Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales, and Western Australia to revel in the artistry of traditional dances and costumes, offering a vibrant glimpse into Middle Eastern culture. Similarly, our Middle Eastern Drumming program, available in Queensland, introduces students to the rhythmic wonders of traditional instruments, fostering an appreciation for the rich musical heritage of the region. World Hijab Day 1st February World Hijab Day commemorates the history and significance of the hijab, symbolising empowerment and identity for Muslim women worldwide. Challenging misconceptions, this day celebrates the beauty and agency behind wearing the hijab, inviting both Muslims and non-Muslims to embrace its cultural and symbolic significance. World Wetlands Day 2nd February World Wetlands Day emerges as a global call to action, spotlighting the critical role wetlands play in our ecosystem. Amidst alarming degradation, this day advocates for the preservation of wetlands, essential for biodiversity and environmental equilibrium. Through global awareness campaigns and collaborative efforts, we strive to safeguard these vital habitats. Highlighting the ecological imperative, our Hero Ladybirds of the Galapagos Islands program, available in Victoria, underscores the delicate balance of ecosystems, emphasising the importance of environmental stewardship from a young age. Caring for Country (available in Queensland), is a great program which allows students to learn about Indigenous sustainability practices including bushfire prevention using fire-stick farming, bush tucker, and predicting rain just by the squawking of the Cockatoo. The Night Journey and Ascension (Al-Isra wal Mi’raj) 8th February Al-Isra wal Mi’raj holds profound significance in Islamic tradition, celebrating Prophet Muhammad’s miraculous journey and the divine revelation of prayer. Japan’s National Foundation Day 11th February Japan’s National Foundation Day celebrates the nation’s rich heritage and achievements, fostering community spirit and collective pride. Through parades and festivities, this day celebrates Japan’s contributions to culture, technology, and society, nurturing a sense of unity and progress. Our Japanese Cultural Education programs are all perfect if you are looking at celebrating this date.  Japanese Infusion (New South Wales) is a great program that brings culture to life while teaching children about the culture, traditions, seasons and celebrations through music, games and storytelling. We also offer Japanese Calligraphy and Japanese Ink Painting in Victoria which are both very exciting and interactive and hands on workshops! Another great interactive workshop is Taiko Drumming which is will leave the room shaking with the sound of the Taiko Drumming after students are introduced to Japanese Culture through Music and Language. World Day of Social Justice 20th February World Day of Social Justice underscores the imperative of equitable access to resources and opportunities, advocating for a fair and inclusive global society. International Mother Language Day 21st February International Mother Language Day celebrates linguistic diversity, recognising the profound significance of language in preserving heritage and fostering inclusive societies. Fairytale Puppetry (available in Victoria) explores different languages and cultures through exquisitely crafted traditional European hand puppets. This program is available in many different languages such as French, Mandarin, German, English, Spanish and more! Lantern Festival 24th February The Lantern Festival, steeped in tradition, marks the culmination of Lunar New Year celebrations, illuminating communities with radiant lanterns and cherished customs. Our Chinese Lantern making and Calligraphy (Victoria) workshop would be a great way to celebrate this in the classroom! If you were wanting more of a Dance focused workshop we also offer Chinese Lantern Dance workshop in Victoria. Dates to Commemorate: World Cancer Day 4th February World Cancer Day serves as a poignant reminder to raise awareness about cancer prevention, treatment, and support. With millions impacted annually, this day galvanises global action to combat the disease, emphasising prevention strategies and equitable access to care. Children’s Mental Health Week 5th – 11th February Children’s Mental Health Week advocates for open conversations and support systems to nurture the emotional wellbeing of young minds. Amidst rising concerns, this week underscores the importance of destigmatising mental health issues and providing resources for children and adolescents to navigate their emotional journeys. Cultural Infusion’s Yoga and Mindfulness program fosters emotional regulation and self-esteem among students in Victoria, Western Australia, and New South Wales, equipping them with valuable tools for mental relaxation and resilience. Stand up to Bullying Day 23rd February International Stand Up to Bullying Day rallies communities to combat bullying and promote empathy and respect, fostering safer and more inclusive environments for all. February is brimming with diverse celebrations that honour cultural heritage, foster unity, and champion social justice. As we bid farewell to February, let’s embark on a journey through March’s notable dates, including World Wildlife Day, International Women’s Day, and Japan’s Cherry Blossom Festival. Considering the importance of these events, February highlights a diverse array of cultural celebrations and social initiatives, emphasizing the need to embrace our common humanity and strive for a more inclusive and compassionate world. Book your February celebrations now! Explore our cultural programs available Australia-wide to celebrate important dates for the month of February. We will join you again next month to bring you cultural dates to celebrate in March.

Symbolic Art Workshop - Professional development

Cultural Infusion’s Comprehensive Professional Development and Resource

In today’s interconnected world, education goes beyond textbooks and classrooms. It’s about nurturing an inclusive and culturally responsive learning environment that prepares students for the diverse global landscape they will encounter. Here at Cultural Infusion, we offer a comprehensive range of curriculum-aligned programs and resources for educators, both virtual and in-person formats nationwide. Live Professional Development Programs We offer a range of interactive live sessions related to intercultural education, led by experienced facilitators and experts. Our sessions are crafted to equip teachers with the tools and insights needed to create culturally sensitive, inclusive and enriching learning environments. Embedding Aboriginal Perspectives in the Classroom: Designed to support teachers in addressing the Intercultural Capability component of the Australian Curriculum, this live session will provide teachers and educators with the necessary tools to create inclusive and culturally responsive learning environments for students. With its interactive format, including lecture slides, activities, practical resources and engaging discussion, teachers will gain invaluable skills and knowledge to prepare students for our increasingly interconnected world. Intercultural Competency in the Classroom: Aligned with the Cross Curriculum priority in the Australian Curriculum of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures, this session will support teachers in respectfully and appropriately teaching this area of study. Co-facilitated by a First Nations presenter, the session will foster a safe and inclusive environment built on mutual respect and intercultural understanding. By engaging in the stories, knowledge, histories and experiences of First Nations peoples, and learning from one another, participants will learn the importance of positive reconciliation. The key objective of the session is to inspire reflection and critical thinking and provide important perspectives to honour First Nations voices in the classroom. Introducing DEI in Education: This live session will provide an introduction to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), and apply its principles, practices and challenges to educational settings. The facilitator will provide teachers with new ideas and perspectives to ensure students feel represented, valued and included in the classroom. This will take an interactive format including lecture slides, activities, practical resources and engaging discussion. By fostering a safe and open environment for students, they will develop their critical and creative thinking and be empowered to reach their full potential. To recieve a personalised quote for any of the above sessions, submit an enquiry via the Education and Experiences website. Complementary Resources Educators receive access to complementary resources with every booking of our cultural education programs. These can include: Lesson Plans and Teacher Resource Notes: Equipping educators with expertly crafted plans to integrate cultural awareness and understanding seamlessly into the classroom. Student Learning Resources: Engaging materials that help students embrace and explore the world’s diverse cultures. Intercultural Understanding Guides: Comprehensive guides that assist educators in navigating the complexities of diversity, whilst fostering open and respectful dialogues within the classroom. Digital Resources: Exploring the World Virtually Cultural Infusion extends its impact beyond conventional resources with innovative digital platforms, designed to spark curiosity and exploration in an age-appropriate way Joko’s World: Catering to pre-school-aged children, this interactive game introduces children to the world’s musical instruments and cultural festivities through the captivating journey of Joko the Nightingale. Mungo Explorer: Delving into science, geology, and archaeology, this platform unravels the ancient story behind the world’s oldest ritual burials, enriching students’ understanding of our shared human history. Sound Infusion: An online platform that encourages inquiry-based learning by enabling students to craft musical arrangements using instrument samples sourced from all over the world! This term, my students have enjoyed their experiences with Sound Infusion. Using the student onboarding PDF provided, they logged on without difficultly. They enjoyed looking at instruments from different countries and learning about them, and accessing the arranging studio, hearing files to add into their own songs. It was great to have a close relationship with the creator of the program, which allowed us to easily troubleshoot any issues as new users. Tia – Kirwan State High School Free Webinars throughout the School Year Our easily accesible and informative pre-recorded webinars cover a number of topics including: Introduction to Intercultural Understanding and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Discover strategies to foster a harmonious classroom environment where diverse voices are celebrated and respected. Cultural Celebrations in the Classroom: Explore ways to integrate cultural celebrations and acknowledgements into the curriculum, encouraging appreciation and understanding of various traditions and teachings. Classroom Activities to Embrace Diversity: Tailored for pre-primary, primary and secondary school-level students, the activities in this program nurture curiosity and understanding, promoting inclusivity within an education setting. This was such a beneficial webinar and made me think about what I do and how I do it. Thank you. I had a very long day but it was totally worth my time to participate in your interactive and highly motivating webinar. Stacey, Wingham High School Register Your Interest The Education and Experiences Team is always eager to help. Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected], or you can give us a call at 1800 010 069.