
Yearly Monthly Weekly Daily List
October 2024


Halloween is traditionally influenced by pagan rituals and Celtic harvest festivals, particularly the Gaelic festival of Samhain. Popularised in modern American culture, the day has become a spooky celebration associated with the macabre and the supernatural. On Halloween, people of all ages around the world come together to celebrate with costume parties, trick-or-treating, haunted houses, and various other Halloween traditions. See our full list of programs here.     Contact us to make a booking today.  
31 Oct
All Day
November 2024


The Festival of Lights is considered one of India’s most important annual festivals. For five days, Hindus, Jains and Skihs from all over the world celebrate Diwali. Renowned for its magnificent, luminous illuminations that bring the community together, it is widespread throughout the world.   At Cultural Infusion, we offer many activities to understand and learn about Indian culture in a fun way with the following available programs: • Bollywood Infusion (VIC, QLD, NSW, WA) • Indian Instrumental Infusion (VIC, QLD) • Classical Indian Dance (VIC, NSW, SA) • Rhythm of Nepal (QLD) See our full list of programs here.   Contact us to make a booking today.  
01 Nov
All Day
culture day japan

Culture Day

Each year on 3 November, people in Japan come together to celebrate Culture Day, a day dedicated to Japanese culture. It is a significant national event which promotes love of freedom and peace; key pillars of the Japanese constitution. Importantly, it is also the birthdate of Emperor Meiji, who ruled Japan from 1867-1912. To honour the essence of this day, we have various immersive programs available that celebrate authentic Japanese culture: • Japanese Calligraphy (VIC) • Japanese Ink Painting (VIC) • Taiko Drumming (VIC, NSW, QLD) In addition, our Japanese Infusion program (NSW) introduces students of all ages to Japanese culture through a mixture of song and dance, storytelling and art. See our full list of programs here.   Contact us to make a booking today.
03 Nov
All Day
remembrance day

Remembrance Day

Also known as Armistice Day, November 11th commemorates the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month when the guns on the Western Front fell silent, marking the end of the First World War. This was formalised by the signing of the Armistice, an agreement made between the Allied Powers and the Central Powers to end all military operations and hostilities.  Remembrance Day is recognised by Australia and other allied countries including New Zealand, Canada and the United States. It is a day to reflect on the sacrifices made by the soldiers at war and is commonly facilitated by a minute of silence. At Cultural Infusion, we believe that mutual understanding is an important stage of overcoming differences and achieving peace. Remembrance Day is emblematic of countries coming together and recognising that violence cannot be sustained. This idea is relevant today as we are confronted with 21st century global conflicts, so it is important to remember that we are all bound by one common humanity and should strive for global harmony. See our full list of programs here.   Contact us to make a booking today.
11 Nov
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kindness day

World Kindness Day

On World Kindness Day, we can all participate in efforts to make kindness the norm. This day encourages kind acts around the world. In a world driven by globalisation, kindness can be hard to come by as the media can often portray stereotypes and perpetuate prejudice. At Cultural Infusion, we believe that to find kindness in our hearts for others, we need to be open to understand and appreciate those who may be different to us. Through intercultural awareness, we can break down barriers such as prejudice, and learn to embrace diversity. Our platform Sound Infusion is the perfect way to instil an environment of openness through the uplifting effects of music. With thousands of digital samples from around the world to choose from, you can learn about diverse cultures and create your own globally-inspired music composition. The benefits of Sound Infusion are highlighted by UNESCO which speaks to the value of the arts in bringing intercultural understandings to light. Through immersive experiences like those offered by Sound Infusion, you will learn to appreciate other cultures, and through this process, find kindness to give, not just on World Kindness Day, but everyday. See our full list of programs here.     Contact us to make a booking today.
13 Nov
All Day
day for tolerance

International Day for Tolerance

International Day for Tolerance was declared by UNESCO in affirming that tolerance is neither indulgence nor indifference. It is respect and appreciation of the rich variety of our world’s cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. Tolerance recognizes the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of others. People are naturally diverse; only tolerance can ensure the survival of mixed communities in every region of the globe. International Day for Tolerance was declared by UNESCO in affirming that tolerance is neither indulgence nor indifference. It is respect and appreciation of the rich variety of our world’s cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. Tolerance recognizes the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of others. People are naturally diverse; only tolerance can ensure the survival of mixed communities in every region of the globe.   Our popular Multicultural Day Program is a highly engaging and immersive workshop which promotes the importance of intercultural understanding and is available in all states. With an option to choose to discover 5 continents, students learn about culture, history and language in great depth. With interactive activities ranging from critical discussion, dancing and more, students gain a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of a variety of cultures.   We also offer a Mini Multicultural Day for pre-primary students across all states which allows the choice of 3 individual pre-primary programs. You can explore one culture, language or topic in depth or travel the world with a program from each continent.   Additionally, our Intercultural Citizenship Ambassador Program (ICAP) available Australia-wide is a valuable and comprehensive program that addresses ethical understanding, critical thinking and global citizenship. In alignment with the aims of the International Day of Education, our ICAP program promotes students to understand various traditions while gaining greater intercultural understanding. See our full list of programs here.   Contact us to make a booking today.  
16 Nov
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islamic art

International Day of Islamic Art

In 2019, UNESCO proclaimed this day to raise awareness to past and contemporary artistic expressions of Islam and the contribution of culture through Islamic Art to civilisation. It encourages worldwide appreciation for Islamic art in all its forms, such as glass, metalwork, pottery, jewellery and textiles. These representations of Islamic art greatly influenced and formed part of the architectural style of the many lands of Islam with the tile and ceramic mosaics, intricate woodwork, stone and stucco carving and sumptuous hangings. The arts of Islam also feature calligraphy prominently throughout scrollwork, arabesques, geometric motifs and interlace patterns. See our full list of programs here.   Contact us to make a booking today.
18 Nov
All Day
December 2024
Nobel Prize day

Nobel Prize Day

Nobel Prize Day marks the day when influential figures are nominated for their groundbreaking contributions to the world with the Nobel Peace Prize. As the name suggests, it promotes peace and unity among all citizens of the world. It recognizes the efforts of prominent figures such as Malala Yousafzai and Nelson Mandela in serving humanity. Nobel Prize Day highlights the idea that all people can achieve a common goal of serving humanity by recognizing the diversity among us.   Our Intercultural Citizenship Ambassador Program, available to students across Australia is aligned with the pillars of Nobel Prize Day through its emphasis on the importance of global citizenship education. This is valuable education for young people today, as they will build critical thinking, intercultural understanding and empathy, which are the foundations of sustainable societies. See our full list of programs here.   Contact us to make a booking today.
10 Dec
All Day
Migrants Day

International Migrants Day

International Migrants Day celebrates the unique journey of migrants around the globe and how they have contributed to the intercultural world we live in today. Along their journeys, migrants have greatly contributed to contemporary societies, by sharing their cultures with new societies. This manifests in a variety of ways, from offering authentic cuisine to sharing fascinating worldviews, which facilitates social progression. Cultural Infusion has a variety of programs that are centralised on the theme of migration and its evolution around the world. Ciao! Migrating to Australia available in Victoria, allows students to explore the travels of a migrant from Italy to Australia. The journey and experience of Pasquale in the 1950’s is narrated through a combination of captivating theatre and dance performances. Music is inextricably linked to the experience of many migrant communities. Our platform Sound Infusion promotes the principles of global harmony through the uplifting and positive impacts of music, encouraging students to engage through blended learning. Students have access to music samples featuring instruments from all around the world. It recognises the diversity in sound and appreciates the culture of migrants through a musical lens. In addition, we offer a range of cultural music performances from around the globe. See our full list of programs here.   Contact us to make a booking today.
18 Dec
All Day
arabic language day

World Arabic Language Day

The fifth most internationally spoken language in the world, the Semitic language of Arabic has communicated ground-breaking findings in the disciplines of engineering, social sciences, philosophy and mathematics. World Arabic Language Day celebrates the diversity of the Arabic language, as it has evolved into a myriad of dialects each distinct to its particular region. Cultural Infusion offers many programs engaging with Arabic language and culture including: • Middle Eastern Belly dance (VIC, NSW, WA, SA) • Ticket to Cairo (VIC) • Middle Eastern Drumming (QLD) See our full list of programs here.   Contact us to make a booking today.
18 Dec
All Day
human solidarity day

International Human Solidarity Day

International Human Solidarity Day, advocated by the United Nations, brings focus to a global commitment of harmony. Parallel to the fundamentals of Sustainable Development Goals, this day brings awareness to unity in all communities and emphasises the need to holistically address systemically rooted international problems.   Diversity Atlas encourages solidarity by fostering diverse, equitable and inclusive (DEI) workspaces through its capacity to measure, analyse and celebrate diversity. It measures cultural diversity through a comprehensive system, promoting not only acknowledgement but action. The tool presents the diversity of an organisation, allowing for clearer decisions to be made leading to favourable outcomes. With data displaying ethnic, linguistic, cultural and gender identity, employees feel valued; overall promoting a constructive work environment. Try Diversity Atlas’ free demo for your organisation to prosper today.   Additionally, our Multicultural Day Program available in all states is a highly interactive program, suitable for all ages and allows students to engage in discussion and activities to understand the significance of multiculturalism. With topics including language, culture, history and faith there are programs available from each continent. Within a day, students are able to travel the world and explore the intricate system of intersectionality. See our full list of programs here.   Contact us to make a booking today.
20 Dec
All Day
Christmas Day

Christmas Day

Christmas is a celebration for many people and religions around the world that traditionally commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25. Nowadays, Christmas incites a ‘festive season’ with holiday traditions which include gift and card giving, completing an Advent calendar, Christmas carols and films, watching a nativity play, attending a church service, sharing a special meal with family, and various Christmas displays. Throughout December, homes and streets are decorated with Christmas trees, lights, nativity scenes, garlands, mistletoe and holly. To celebrate this day, we offer Celebrate Christmas with Chris in Victoria. See our full list of programs here.   Contact us to make a booking today.
25 Dec
All Day
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