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July 2024
Mandela day

Nelson Mandela Day

Created to inspire people to embrace the values of democracy and contribute towards the ideals of ensuring a just and fair society, Nelson Mandela Day was launched in recognition of Nelson Mandela’s birthday via unanimous decision of the UN General Assembly in 2009. Five years before his death in 2013, on his 90th birthday in London’s Hyde Park, Nelson Mandela sparked a global movement when he said: “It is time for new hands to lift the burdens. It is in your hands now.” For 67 years, beginning in 1942 when he first started to campaign for the human rights of every South African, Nelson Mandela has been an inspiration to the world. By dedicating 67 minutes of their time – one for every year of Mandela’s service – people can give back and contribute to global humanitarianism. See our full list of programs here.     Contact us to make a booking today.
18 Jul
All Day
racial harmony day

Racial Harmony Day

Racial Harmony Day is a national day in Singapore which celebrates the success of a racially harmonious nation. This day emerged from the ethnic tensions that boiled over into racial violence due to the poor living conditions and soaring unemployment in the 1960s. On 21 July 1964, clashes between Chinese provocateurs and a group of Malay Muslims gathering to celebrate the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday set off some of the bloodiest rioting in Singapore’s history. Today, the day serves as a lesson for students in classrooms across Singapore about the importance of maintaining racial and religious harmony in its multicultural and multi-ethnic society.   Our popular Multicultural Day Program is a highly engaging and immersive workshop which promotes the importance of intercultural understanding and is available in all states. With an option to choose to discover 5 continents, students learn about culture, history and language in great depth. With interactive activities ranging from critical discussion, dancing and more, students gain a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of a variety of cultures.   We also offer a Mini Multicultural Day for pre-primary students across all states which allows the choice of 3 individual pre-primary programs. You can explore one culture, language or topic in depth or travel the world with a program from each continent.   Additionally, our Intercultural Citizenship Ambassador Program (ICAP) available Australia-wide is a valuable and comprehensive program that addresses ethical understanding, critical thinking and global citizenship. In alignment with the aims of the International Day of Education, our ICAP program promotes students to understand various traditions while gaining greater intercultural understanding. See our full list of programs here.   Contact us to make a booking today.
21 Jul
All Day
International Day of Education

International Day of Education

International Day of Education celebrates unity through education. Established by the United Nations, this day encourages an inclusive and equitable quality of education delivered to students of all ages and backgrounds.   Cultural Infusion offers a range of programs that foster and promote creativity within education. Not only do we offer a range of in-person and virtual programs, but also a comprehensive musical tool for school children to explore the diversity in music. Our online platform Sound Infusion takes students on a global journey. With music samples from all around the world, students can explore the musical instruments and melodies from countless cultures. We recognise the significance of transformative education which emphasises the need for students to recognise the social world through a creative and ethical lens.   Our popular Multicultural Day Program is a highly engaging and immersive workshop which promotes the importance of intercultural understanding and is available in all states. With an option to choose to discover 5 continents, students learn about culture, history and language in great depth. With interactive activities ranging from critical discussion, dancing and more, students gain a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of a variety of cultures. We also offer a Mini Multicultural Day for pre-primary students across all states which allows the choice of 3 individual pre-primary programs. You can explore one culture, language or topic in depth or travel the world with a program from each continent.   Additionally, our Intercultural Citizenship Ambassador Program (ICAP) available Australia-wide is a valuable and comprehensive program that addresses ethical understanding, critical thinking and global citizenship. In alignment with the aims of the International Day of Education, our ICAP program promotes students to understand various traditions while gaining greater intercultural understanding. See our full list of programs here.   Contact us to make a booking today.
24 Jul
All Day
International Friendship Day

International Friendship Day

The first World Friendship Day was proposed in 1958, by the World Friendship Crusade. In 2011, International Day of Friendship was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly with the idea that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities. The resolution places emphasis on involving young people, as future leaders, in community activities that include different cultures and promote international understanding and respect for diversity. See our full list of programs here.     Contact us to make a booking today.
30 Jul
All Day
August 2024

Hiroshima Day

August 6 marks a day of solemn remembrance and reflection since the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. This day stands as a poignant reminder of the cataclysmic impact of nuclear warfare and the urgent call for global unity in pursuit of peace and disarmament. See our full list of programs here. Education and Experience Contact us to make a booking today.
06 Aug
All Day
indigenous people

International Day of the World’s Indigenous People

Created by the United Nations in 1994 to promote and protect the rights of the Indigenous people around the world, International Day of the World’s Indigenous People appreciates the contribution and accomplishments of the Indigenous People, such as environmental protection. In Australia, Our First Nations People inhabited our island continent at least 65,000 years ago. Passing down cultural stories and knowledge through symbols, icons, and dots, art is used to preserve their culture and educate the next generation.   To honour the essence of this day, we have various immersive programs available that celebrate Indigenous Australian culture: • Aboriginal Storytelling and Artefacts (ACT, NSW, VIC, WA) • Aboriginal Games (VIC, QLD) • Aboriginal Storytelling Through Art (VIC, QLD) • Nurturing for Australian Nature (VIC) • Didgeridoo Mindfulness (VIC) • Didgeridoo, Beats and Culture (VIC) • Boomerang Throwing (QLD) • Caring for Country (QLD) In addition, our Aboriginal Infusion (VIC, QLD, NSW, ACT) and Aboriginal Culture for a Day (VIC) (full or half-day program) allow students to engage with a wide range of activities surrounding Indigenous Australian culture. See our full list of programs here.     Contact us to make a booking today.
09 Aug
All Day

Science Week

Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology, National Science Week, is celebrated by more than one million people in events across the country. Cultural Infusion provides inspiring programs to let young people explore our world through the lens of science. See our full list of programs here.   Contact us to make a booking today.
10 Aug
8:00 am - 8:30 am
Hip Hop Appreciation Day

Hip Hop Appreciation Day

Today recognises the birthday of hip hop, following a party thrown by DJ Kool Herc on August 11, 1973, at 1520 Sedgwick Avenue, an apartment building in the Bronx, which is historically accepted as the birthplace of hip hop. The music technique and the elements in that party became the foundation for hip hop culture. There are five elements, MC-ing, DJ-ing, break dancing, the art of graffiti, and beatboxing combine to construct this unique and popular art form.   Exploring the world of hip-hop, our Hip-Hop Infusion performance is an upbeat, energetic workshop sure to get students’ hearts pumping. Discovering urban culture and techniques in dancing, students learn about the influential and artistic expression of hip-hop dance. This program is available in Victoria, Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, and South Australia. See our full list of programs here.   Contact us to make a booking today.
11 Aug
All Day
Rap Music Day

Rap Music Day

Rap Music Day celebrates this unique, historically significant music genre. Used as a means of expression, it often incorporates significant themes such as justice, discrimination, freedom to voice social issues. Originating from hip hop music, rap has evolved in becoming its own genre with its own distinctive features. Although it began in the United States of America, rap is now enjoyed worldwide and even created in languages other than English. It is an ever-evolving genre that isn’t bound to its origins but rather continues to change in our highly globalised world.   Exploring the world of hip-hop, our Hip-Hop Infusion performance is an upbeat, energetic workshop sure to get students’ hearts pumping. Discovering urban culture and techniques in dancing, students learn about the influential and artistic expression of hip-hop dance. This program is available in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, and South Australia. See our full list of programs here.   Contact us to make a booking today.
11 Aug
All Day
youth day

Youth Day

Declared as International Youth Day by the United Nations General Assembly 22 years ago, it is a day to highlight the importance of youth participation in various issues and focus on the development and protection of youth in the society. Youth are the foundation of the world and future pillars of society, hence playing an important role in social development.   Available in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia, Hip Hop Infusion allows students to discover the significance of hip-hop and urban dance culture, associated with youth, through high-energy interactive programs. See our full list of programs here.   Contact us to make a booking today.
12 Aug
All Day
Obon festival

Obon Festival Begins

The Buddhist Obon Festival has been celebrated for more than 500 years. It originates from the story of Maha Maudgalyayana, Mokuren, a disciple of Buddha who used his powers to see the spirit of his deceased mother.   Obon, or just Bon, is a Japanese Buddhist custom, which honours the spirits of one’s ancestors. Over the years, it has evolved into a holiday for family reunions. People return to their ancestral family places to visit and clean their ancestors’ graves. During the three-day festival, it is said that the spirits of ancestors visit household altars and many perform the traditional dance, known as the Bon-Odori.   To honour the essence of this festival, we have various immersive programs available that celebrate authentic Japanese culture: • Japanese Calligraphy (VIC) • Japanese Ink Painting (VIC) • Taiko Drumming (VIC, NSW, QLD) In addition, our Japanese Infusion program (NSW) introduces students of all ages to Japanese culture through a mixture of song and dance, storytelling and art. See our full list of programs here.   Contact us to make a booking today.
13 Aug
All Day
independance day pakistan

Independence Day (Pakistan)

In 1947, Pakistan became the world’s first Islamic republic when it gained independence from the United Kingdom. The day begins with a thirty-one-gun salute in the federal capital, and twenty-one-gun salutes in the provincial capitals. At 9.59 am in Islamabad a siren will sound, and a one-minute silence will ensue, where even the traffic will stop. Before addressing the nation, the President will raise the national flag. See our full list of programs here.   Contact us to make a booking today.
14 Aug
All Day
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