Feast of St Basil
The Feast of St Basil commemorates St Basil of Caesarea, also known as St Basil the Great, who was a prominent figure and leader of the Orthodox Christian Church. Based in Cappadocia, the bishop was well known for his service to the community. On this day, it is common to bake Vasilopita cake with a gold or silver coin hidden inside, signifying an act the Byzantine bishop started with the intent to distribute wealth amongst the poor. Visiting friends and families on this day is customary as communities unite, spending time spent with each other while acknowledging the great history associated with this day. Coming from a Greek Orthodox background, our founder and CEO Peter Mousaferiadis takes great pride in his Greek heritage and culture. Guided by similar motivations to St Basil the Great, Peter is driven and inspired in working towards building intercultural discourse and unity around the world.
To celebrate this day, Cultural Infusion offers Opa! Greek Culture and Dance where students can explore Greek culture through music, dance and mythology.
See our full list of programs here.
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