International Family Equality Day

Thanks to the evolution of society, more and more children are growing up in families where people identify as LGBTQ+. In some countries, these families are recognized and have equal rights, but in far too many others, these families face continued discrimination and live under constant threats of violence. LGBTQ+ families have therefore all had very different experiences and often a lot of discrimination. This day is therefore a hope of living in a society where everyone is accepted and aims to raise awareness of the need for equal treatment regardless of the sexual orientation or gender identity of their family members.


Diversity Atlas encourages solidarity by fostering diverse, equitable and inclusive (DEI) workspaces through its capacity to measure, analyse and celebrate diversity. It measures cultural diversity through a comprehensive system, promoting not only acknowledgement but action. The tool presents the diversity of an organisation, allowing for clearer decisions to be made leading to favourable outcomes. With data displaying ethnic, linguistic, cultural and gender identity, employees feel valued; overall promoting a constructive work environment. Try Diversity Atlas’ free demo for your organisation to prosper today.

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