New Year's Eve

New Year’s Eve

Celebrated in the Gregorian calendar, 31 December is a day that symbolises the end of a year. Families and friends all around the world come together on New Year’s Eve to count down the seconds until the New Year and often watch fireworks. Individuals use this period to reflect on the year that has passed and make resolutions for positive change desired in the year to come.


Cultural Infusion’s Yoga and Mindfulness program in Victoria is a perfect way for children starting from pre-primary all the way to Year 12 to recalibrate their mind and body. After a vigorous year, students will have the opportunity to end their year in a tranquil and serene space. Not only are students guaranteed to have an enjoyable time with their friends, but they will learn important mindfulness techniques that will benefit them in their future.

See our full list of programs here.


Contact us to make a booking today.

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